Swenwares: Handmade and often Hand Painted Pots, Objects and Ideas – Clearwater, MN

Swenwares: Handmade and often Hand Painted Pots, Objects and Ideas – Clearwater, MN

Hello! I’m David Swenson, please call me Swen! I am a ceramic and sound artist from Clearwater, Minnesota.  I am also a ceramic instructor at various institutions around the Twin Cities area.  I have been working with clay since 2002 and teaching since 2009.

Artist Statement: My work is about nostalgia and play. These pieces are meant to evoke feelings of times past, and to revere the motifs and patterns from historical decorative arts.  They offer a contemporary perspective of those traditions while re-contextualizing their content. These objects are meant to embellish the home and daily practices, as well as to provide their services and entertainment.

UPSTATE: A whole lot of beauty arrived today – Grand Marais, MN

UPSTATE: A whole lot of beauty arrived today – Grand Marais, MN

UPSTATE MN is emerging with an aim to reflect this northern landscape through element, tone and materials. Artist made goods!

A whole lot of beauty arrived today. A very long day of work and photographing and uploading so many incredible pieces by David Swenson. I want them all. Do me a favor and head to the web and at least see them…and maybe just maybe have me send you a few to save me from taking them all home. It’s such incredible work from a super great fella.


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