Course Overview
With more than just aesthetic appeal, cedar-strip boats are known for being lightweight, strong, and quick to build. Gain the know-how and confidence to complete a boat project in your own backyard through seven days of hands-on instruction building a tandem canoe with other students. Techniques involve setting up the strongback and templates, planking, fiberglassing and fitting out the canoe, and other boatbuilding skills. Just like the title says, a solid foundation of the “techniques and fundamentals” provides the skills to navigate your own cedar-strip boat building project at home. Separate tuition payment and cancellation policies apply to this course. At the close of the course, the student-built canoe will be for sale at a defined price to an interested student for the cost of materials. If multiple students are interested, a drawing will decide who will go home with the tandem canoe. An easy project to cartop back to your waterway to start your paddling adventure!
Required Tools
Ear and eye protection
Old long sleeve shirt for fiberglassing
Old pants
Apron (optional)
Course Details