The candlelit Luminary Loppet on Saturday, February 5, is the Twin Cities’ most magical event of the season!
City of Lakes Loppet Winter Festival: Come out to Lake of the Isles and enjoy the Luminary Loppet where you can walk, snowshoe, or ski on the candlelit trail winding across the lake. Experience 1,200 luminaries lining the trail with unique ice features such as Ice Henge, Ice Cropolis, the Pyramid, Enchanted Forest as well as Ice Music, Fire Dancers, and much more – all in the heart of Uptown.
Photo by Leslie Hale
Refreshments such as hot chocolate, cookies, and s’mores will be offered at tents across the lake. Food trucks, Surly beer, and music are located at the REI Co-op Luminary Party.
The Luminary Loppet is also the Loppet Foundation’s largest fundraiser of the year – supporting our year-round programs promoting outdoor adventure for all in the Minneapolis area.
The Luminary Loppet is part of the City of Lakes Loppet Winter Festival, which includes cross-country ski, fat-tire bike, snowshoe, and skijor races and tours, youth events, and more. The Luminary Loppet is NOT a race.