Caledonia is located in the southeastern corner of the state, where the land transitions from rolling hills to scenic bluffs and the Mississippi River Valley. It is not uncommon to see majestic eagles soaring or sitting high in the treetops. Deer, wild turkeys and coyotes are plentiful. Bear, cougar and bobcats are present, but rarely seen. Area streams offer the trout fishermen access to some of the best trout fishing in the state. Bike trails, hiking trails, Beaver Creek Valley State Park, horse trails, boating and bird watching are activities that lure people to the area. Caledonia is proud to be a Historic Bluff Country city. Visit the Historic Bluff Country website here.
Caledonia is known as “The Heart of Quilt Country” and offers a scenic driving tour route of nearly 60 Houston County barns sporting squares of plywood painted in vivid colors in a variety of quilt patterns. We welcome you to our area to view beautiful barn paintings and our splendid natural and cultural resources. Caledonia makes a great “hub” for day trips because it is centrally located between some of the region’s favorite attractions. You can explore parts of three states: Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin, while headquartered in Caledonia. The Mississippi River is just 17 miles away. Plan one day as a “cruise day” on the Julia Belle Swain, a paddlewheeler docked in nearby La Crosse, Wis. Another day could be spent cycling nearby bike trails along the Root River. Explore Amish country in the nearby Canton-Harmony area. Hike the bluff lands and explore the Effigy Mounds near McGregor, IA. Canoe the Upper Iowa River or the Root River. Don’t forget to check out the Caledonia area, either! Take a tour of the town and check out the unique architecture of the historic downtown district, the impressive limestone courthouse and former jail, the Houston County Historical museum complex and much more.
To get to this very beautiful part of the world, look at the Minnesota map in the far southeast corner of the state. Two major highways come together here, State Hwy 76 which intersects with I-90, and State Hwy 44. The Houston County Airport is located just south on Hwy 76 and the La Crosse, Wis. airport, just 30 miles away, has you connected with the rest of the world. This area also boasts the only National Scenic Byway that parallels I-90 so travelers can enjoy the scenic 88 mile stretch of State Highway 16 from La Crescent to Dexter without any large detour.
The Caledonia area is becoming beautifully painted with barn quilts. We hope that while you are visiting the Caledonia area, you will take the tour of our wonderful countryside and see the magnificent quilts that are being displayed on local barns. Link here, you will find the name, owner, and address of all 59 registered barn quilts, as well as a map to help guide your tour.
Caledonia has much to offer for a weekend getaway or that week away from the office. Come see what you have been missing. Make plans to visit soon, you’ll be glad that you did!