Afton State Park: Camping & Lodging
The rugged, rolling landscape of this park provides excellent hiking and skiing opportunities with scenic overlooks of the St. Croix River. The Prairie Walk interpretive trail, oak savannas and wooded river valley offer an interesting contrast of wildlife habitats. The visitor center offers a good place to get oriented to the trails and special features of the park. 20 mi of hiking trails, within 4 mi bike trail and 5 mi horse trail; 12 mi cross-country ski trail and a sliding hill.
Located on the bluffs overlooking the St. Croix River, the campground is a strenuous 3/4-mile hike from the parking lot. 24 camp sites, 1 canoe-in site, 4 Camper Cabins with electricity, 2 yurts, and 2 rustic group camps. Firewood is available for a fee.
Phone reservations can be made by calling 866-857-2757 (TTY: 952-936-4008) Apr-Sep, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Daily; Oct-Mar, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mon – Fri and 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sat & Sun CT. Office hours for park vary with season.
- Daily camping maximum: $23.00
- Daily camping minimum: $15.00
Park permits: $35 annual, $26 second vehicle, $12 handicapped, $7 daily.
Camping: Camper cabins $55 weekday/$65 weekend; w/ electricity $60 weekday/$70 weekend, Yurts $50 Weekday/ $65 weekend