Wise Acre Eatery: Where Wise Acre Food is Born and Raised – Minneapolis, MN

Wise Acre Eatery: Where Wise Acre Food is Born and Raised – Minneapolis, MN

Healthy Soil = Healthy Plants and Animals = Healthy People = Healthy Planet

On Mondays we go to the farm. Enjoy a peak at where Wise Acre food is born and raised. Our farmers work hard to bring you the very best local food possible. Look at all these reasons to shop our daily fresh market.


Our farm is located just outside of Plato, MN, 45 minutes from our door. We nurture the land and our animals the way mother nature intended. We practice regenerative agriculture which is an integration of plants and animals that is mutually beneficial to them and to the soil on which they reside. We utilize our greenhouse and our aquaponics system to supply year-round fresh food to your plate and our CSA members. Farm-Fresh and chemical free is the only way we know how to grow.

On Mondays we go to the farm. Enjoy a peak at where Wise Acre food is born and raised. Our farmers work hard to bring you the very best local food possible. Look at all these reasons to shop our daily fresh market.Healthy Soil = Healthy Plants and Animals = Healthy People = Healthy Planet@tangletowngardens @tangletown_farmer @tangletown_flower #wiseacre #WISEACREEATERY #tangletowngardens #foodie #mplsfoodie #local #localfood #locallygrown #locallyraised #homegrown #realfood #freshfood #tangletowngardensfarm #wiseacreeateryfarm #ourfarm #csa #myttgcsa #mplsfresh #delicious #freshmarket #farmersmarket #fresh #freshfood #tangletown #produce #vegetables #organic #veggies

Posted by Wise Acre Eatery on Monday, September 28, 2020

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