Show Your Sweetie You Care by Lighting Up their Mouth with 7-Pot Flavor and Heat! – Made In MN

Show Your Sweetie You Care by Lighting Up their Mouth with 7-Pot Flavor and Heat! – Made In MN

It’s said that just one 7-Pot chile pepper is needed to spice seven pots of stew!


From the Caribbean island of Trinidad, this pepper combines intense heat and a nutty-sweet flavor for a truly unique taste experience. I’ve fermented several varieties of 7-Pot peppers and blended them with secret ingredients to give you my 7-Pot Scorn.

Order your Valentine’s Day gift today!

Photo by Miss Jenny on January 29, 2021.

The Original 7-Pot Scorn

Order a bottle or three. These 5 oz. bottles of joy make perfect gifts for the people in your life who you want to impress the most.


Our Story

I’m Troy, Miss Jenny’s partner in the garden, kitchen, and life.

Miss Jenny, (Jennifer) and I have shared a love of hot and spicy food since we first met. A few years ago our friend introduced us to the 7-Pot chile pepper and shared his harvest with us. Jennifer is an accomplished home cook who enjoys tinkering in the kitchen. She had dabbled with fermenting other foods before and decided to try making a fermented hot sauce with this superhot, flavorful pepper. It was a savory, superhot success.

We began growing our own 7-Pot peppers at home and Jennifer continued to hone her recipe. We made and bottled sauce in our little kitchen and shared it with friends and family. When people started asking us for hot sauce before our peppers were even ripe, we knew we had something special going.


The Little Hot Sauce That Could

Friends who loved our li’l sauce convinced us to try selling it. So, we came up with a name. Then, talented and generous friends helped us design a logo and a funky-fun label, and Miss Jenny’s 7-Pot Scorn was born. Soon we were selling 7-Pot Scorn at farmer’s markets and to friends of friends.

Finally, we made the leap to selling commercially. So, another talented and generous friend helped us design this website. Then we got licensed and graduated to a professional, commercial kitchen space located in South Minneapolis. This is truly a small, family operation. I do the marketing, sales, crazy ideas stuff, Jennifer does the math-related, legal, creative food stuff. We all pitch in on the chopping, bottling, and shipping stuff–even the kids. Oh, and we both have day jobs. It’s been a fun, crazy project so far! We hope you love our sauce!


We Love Growing Peppers…

…but we couldn’t possibly grow as many as we need on our own. We’ve partnered with these local growers to supply us with enough 7-Pot peppers to allow us to crank out the 7-Pot Scorn:
Easy Bean Farm – Milan, MN

Connecting Farm and Family since 1996

Our longtime friends Mike and Malena, of Easy Bean Farm in Milan, MN have run a successful farm share operation for over 20 years. We look forward to their fresh veggies every year! Please check them out.

Toadstool Gardens – Owatonna, MN

Organic and family run

Toadstool Gardens is an organic family farm in Owatonna, MN. They specialize in heirloom, non-GMO, hybrid and exotic garden veggie plants, produce and seeds.

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