Memorial Day: “Decoration Day” in Minnesota during WWII – St. Paul, MN

Memorial Day: “Decoration Day” in Minnesota during WWII – St. Paul, MN

Memorial Day: “Decoration Day” in Minnesota during WWII

Brooklyn Big Band will perform at 12:30 and 2:30pm. The flyover time is estimated between 10 -11am.

Come out to spend Memorial Day at Historic Fort Snelling and experience how Minnesota celebrated “Decoration Day” in the 1940s during WWII. Decoration Day became commonly known as Memorial Day after WWII.

The site will host programming across the entire twenty three acres from the new prairie landscape to inside the Plank Museum and Visitor Center, and of course within the historic reconstructed Fort.

Hear the Brooklyn Big Band perform on the Klas Overlook, witness WWII era military demonstrations and ceremonies inside the historic fort, marvel at a historic plane flyover, and learn about how Fort Snelling figures prominently in Minnesota and American history.


Memorial Day: “Decoration Day” in Minnesota during WWII

Monday, May 27th, 10:00am – 4:00pm

Regular Site Admission



Historic Fort Snelling

200 Tower Avenue

Saint Paul, MN

Fascinator and Headpiece Millinery Workshop with Karen Morris – St. Paul, MN

Fascinator and Headpiece Millinery Workshop with Karen Morris – St. Paul, MN

Fascinator and Headpiece Millinery Workshop with Karen Morris

Learn the basics of millinery from international acclaimed hat designer and milliner Karen Morris.

Students will learn hat shapes, basic techniques and tools for making a fascinator/headpiece, basic millinery stitches as well as different trimmings for finishing a hat.

Each student will leave with one finished fascinator/headpiece at the end of class and learn essential skills from the millinery arts.

This class is intended for beginners/intermediate and some basic sewing skills are recommended. Recommended for ages 16+. Registration cut off is March 8th to ensure materials are ready for all participants.

Historic Fort Snelling – Fort by Firelight: Last Boat In, Last Boat Out – St. Paul, MN

Historic Fort Snelling – Fort by Firelight: Last Boat In, Last Boat Out – St. Paul, MN

It’s October 1820s and the last boat of the year has arrived. Some will be leaving and some will just be arriving with a long winter ahead and no boat back until the following spring.

Experience a rare opportunity to see Historic Fort Snelling at night and hear the stories of historic people as they arrived or departed the post starting October 20th!
Enjoy music around the bonfire before or after the program. Wear comfortable walking shoes. Recommended for ages 12 and over. Tours start every 15 minutes during the program’s duration. Note: visitors need to check in 30 minutes prior to their scheduled program time.


Friday, October 20th, Saturday, October 21st
Friday, October 27th, Saturday, October 28th
Program tickets are available every 15 minutes, starting at 6:00 pm.
The last tour starts at 8:00 pm.


MNHS: Minnesota Author Biographies

MNHS: Minnesota Author Biographies

Minnesota can claim a very long and fruitful literary history, whatever the subject or form. From Father Hennepin’s first appearance in print in 1683 through the 1920s when giants like Sinclair Lewis, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and O. E. Rolvaag were best sellers to the current crop of local mystery writers, Minnesota has contributed more than its share to American letters. The Minnesota Historical Society has identified more than 3,500 authors worthy of attention, all but a handful of them forgotten today. Through their work, these men and women contributed to the knowledge about Minnesota and our culture. Since all writers stand on the shoulders of those who came before them, these authors deserve and demand to be read in order to understand contemporary Minnesota books, authors, and life.

To accomplish this lofty objective, the Minnesota Historical Society Library makes a herculean effort to find, acquire, catalog, preserve, and make available these books. We also consider it our mission to educate the public about the significance of these works and their authors. We hope to facilitate a deeper understanding of our intellectual and cultural past by encouraging use of the MNHS Library and through a variety of web projects that extend our reach. We will continue adding biographies here as time and finances permit, and we encourage users to participate by suggesting authors to prioritize as we move forward with this project.


Locations/Events: Yankee Thanksgiving Tour – Elk River, MN

Locations/Events: Yankee Thanksgiving Tour – Elk River, MN

A Yankee Thanksgiving Tour: In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed Thanksgiving a national holiday. Experience what preparations for a Thanksgiving celebration were like 150 years ago. On a 90-minute guided tour, visitors will hike along the wooded trails to the historic Kelley Farm, meet farm animals, and visit the historic house filled with the sights and smells of a harvest celebration. Following the tour, pie and refreshments will be served in the visitor center.

The Oliver Kelley Farm, a National Historic Landmark, was the home of Oliver H. Kelley, founder of the Grange, the first successful national farming organization. The 1860s farmstead, modern visitor center and farm lab showcase the story of farming, food and agriculture—past and present. The farm is located at 15788 Kelley Farm Road, 2.5 miles southeast of Elk River on U.S. Highway 10.


Sat., Nov 23, 2019, 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm & Sun., Nov 24, 2019, 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

15788 Kelley Farm Rd.
Elk River, MN 55330

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