MapleFest will be a bit different this year because of state health regulations, but we still have a cure for your maple syrup cravings. We have an array of maple syrup, Sturdiwheat pancake mix, maple syrup books and tapping supplies available for purchase in our Gift and Garden Store. Then head outside and take our new, self-guided digital tour with maple-syrup-themed stops.
Grab the pancake breakfast we packaged and have ready for you during your designated time slot. Our snack cart will be outside to provide grab-and-go beverages. Pre-registration is required for pancake orders. Click here to register by March 21, 2021.
Self-Guided Tour
Whether you’re on our grounds or at home, you can access our new, self-guided tour with maple-syrup-themed stops. Just open the map and zoom in to find the numbered stops. Then tap on the number to learn more about that stop.
Free Online Program
March in the Maples: Sweet Journey from Sap to Syrup (Free, online)
Available online March 1 – 31, 2021
It all starts with a maple tree! Learn how we turn the sap of our beautiful maple collection into syrup or try it out with a maple tree where you live. Follow along online with activities, videos, and quizzes for all ages, including:
- A “sappy” taste test
- A step-by-step maple tree ID guide
- A behind-the-scenes look at turning maple sap into maple syrup
Visit: ArboretumMaple