Into the Wild We Go: Minnesota Photography Waterfall Workshop

Into the Wild We Go: Minnesota Photography Waterfall Workshop

I am so excited to be offering this one day Waterfall Workshop in Minnesota this fall! There is nothing that I love photographing more than waterfalls, and I can’t wait to share that love with you and show you how to create gorgeous waterfall shots. This workshop is open to all photographers. New photographers or seasoned photographers, I will work closely with you to make sure you get the most out of this workshop based on your experience level.


Date: September 26th, 2020 (back up inclement weather day is the 27th)

Time: 12:00PM – 7PM

Location: Banning State Park in Sandstone, MN

Cost: $400 (There is a $200 deposit required to secure your spot. The remaining balance is due by 9/1/2020.)

Gear Needed: Digital camera and a wide-angle lens are recommended. Neutral density filter (10 stop) and a tripod are a must. If you need help finding the right filter for your lens, I am here to help.

Optional Gear: If you have a remote for your camera you can bring it with, but no need to buy one if you don’t. A remote allows you to leave your shutter open longer than 30 seconds, which can be fun for cloud movement.

Students: To allow for enough distance between us, I am limiting the class size to 6 students.

Current spots left : 5

Schedule: We will spend the first half of the day photographing Wolf Creek Falls and the creek and river in the area. After that, we will drive to Big Spring Falls break for a picnic (BYO) then photograph Big Spring Falls, the Kettle River, and the surrounding landscape.

Activity Level: We will be hiking to both locations. The hike to Wolf Creek Falls is about 1.5 miles (one way), there are large rocks that you have to hike over. The hike to Big Springs is less than 1/2 a mile one way. It should be noted that there is no restrooms near either of the waterfalls other than the great outdoors. There are outhouses at Banning, but they are a hike to get back to.


8 hours of hands-on instruction. We will be covering how to photograph waterfalls, moving water, creative compositions, landscapes, and environmental portraits. The workshop will also come with an E-book covering what you learned that day. After the workshop is over I will be recording a video of me editing some of the shots we take that day, so that you can see how to best approach editing your shots. A Facebook group will be created so that you can share your images, ask for critiques, and connect with other students. I will have some bottled waters available for you.


Transportation. State Park admission. Dinner (please pack yourself a meal).

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🔥NEW WORKSHOP! I’m excited to announce that I will be teaching a one day Waterfall Photography Workshop this fall in Minnesota. The date is 9/26/20, the workshop will be at Banning State Park in Sandstone, MN. It will be an 8 hour workshop where we will be covering how to photograph moving water, waterfalls, creative compositions, landscapes, environmental portraits, and more! The workshop is limited to 6 students (5 spots currently left). Cost is $400 – $200 deposit to reserve your seat. To register check out the link in my bio. Feel free to message me with any questions. MN friends I’d love if you shared this post in your IG stories. ❤️🙏🏻 . . . . . . #capturemn #stayandwander #optoutside #amongthewild #globeshotz #wildernessculture #midwestmoment #liveauthentic #exploremn #lifeofadventure #takemoreadventures #onlyinmn #minnesota365 #kare11 #welivetoexplore #thisismyminnesota #nakedplanet #roamtheplanet #minnesotaexposure #minnesota #yourshotphotographer #minnesota365 #adventureenthusiasts #photographyworkshop #minnesotaphotographer

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My name is Beth and I am a portrait photographer that loves to wander. I call the beautiful state of Minnesota home. I love hiking and camping, we try to plan a handful of new adventures every year. In addition to being a portrait photographer I also teach online courses. You can ready about my most recent course Creating Epic Edits here –

intothewildwego photography

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