The Dorothy Molter Museum – Ely, MN

The Dorothy Molter Museum – Ely, MN

The Dorothy Molter Museum is a seasonally operating, historic museum focusing on the life and legacy of Ely Area icon, Dorothy Molter.

Have you been to the Dorothy Molter Museum?

With a mission of preserving and interpreting Northwoods wilderness heritage through learning opportunities inspired by Dorothy Molter—the last non-indigenous resident of the BWCAW—this is an Ely stop you won’t want to miss!

Museum staff and volunteers are hard at work daily inspiring the next generation of Northwoods stewards to make a significant contribution toward a better world through Dorothy’s legacy of perseverance, integrity and generosity.

This month, they’ll be hosting a free open house, classes at the Ely Folk School, and a screening of “Living in the Boundary Waters” at Ely’s Historic State Theater

Dorothy was or why you should visit the Museum? Watch this 8-min primer on the Root Beer Lady of Knife lake!

Used with permission, this video is a production of WDSE/WRPT a trusted nonprofit community partner providing media and services for the public good since 1964.

doitinnorth shop/share gallery

Root Beer Lady: The Story Of Dorothy Molter

2002 East Sheridan Street
 Ely, MN,

Photos commissioned by Visit Ely, MN I @corvidimages and @wolvenwood for @visitelymn

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