The 2023 Minneapolis Arbor Day Celebration – Windom Northeast Park, Minneapolis, MN

The 2023 Minneapolis Arbor Day Celebration – Windom Northeast Park, Minneapolis, MN

The 2023 Minneapolis Arbor Day Celebration will be at Windom Northeast Park on Friday, April 28th, 4 – 8 pm! The rotating annual springtime celebration of Minneapolis’ wonderful tree canopy features a truly unique array of tree-themed activities for all ages, live music, great food, a beer garden, and special twists that reflect the neighborhood it’s hosted in each year.

More than 150 trees will be planted across the park during the event! Want to help plant a tree? Everyone at the party is encouraged to join a tree-planting trip taking place every half hour between 4:30 pm and 6:30 pm.

Tons of activities and attractions are planned!

Harnessed tree climbing under the supervision of forestry professionals
Bucket truck rides offering incredible views of the park and beyond
Tree-sized lawn games like chess, checkers and Kubb
Tree-themed art
Ask an Arborist booth giving out free advice on tree care questions
Custom temporary nature play area

Information & activities from environmental and neighborhood organizations

Windom Park Citizens in Action is planning a special Movie in the Park screening of a tree-themed film after the festivities conclude, stay tuned for details@mnbreweryrun is hosting its annual Arbor Day Run at the park with proceeds supporting urban forestry outreach. New this year is a Sapling Dash for kids!

doitinnorth shop/share gallery

National Arbor Day T-shirt with Distressed Tree Silhouette

Food, Drink, Live Music

  • Live music features the return of The Arborators, a band comprised of forestry professionals who will play a set from the treetops, the Brass Messengers, and other local bands still to be determined
  • Food trucks include Café Cairo, Habanero Tacos, KCM EggRolls, iPierogi, and Dough Dough Desserts
  • Beer Garden includes a variety of offerings from local breweries, sponsored by Modist Brewing and Brewing a Better Forest


Windom Northeast Park
2251 Hayes Street. NE, Minneapolis, MN



FWMN Presents Joy: Spring ‘23 Lineup – Minneapolis, MN


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