2021 Hudson Hot Air Affair Winter Balloon Festival – Hudson, Wisconsin

2021 Hudson Hot Air Affair Winter Balloon Festival – Hudson, Wisconsin


 Hudson Hot Air Affair

Head to Hudson, Wisconsin along the beautiful St. Croix River for Hudson Hot Air Affair, the premier winter ballooning event and winter festival in the Midwest.  This family friendly 2021 event will be a hybrid, including activities such as:

    •  Virtual programing with balloons in the air,
    • An evening drive through balloon glow and candlestick event and lots of fun.

Some of the in-person events will not be possible, so they are working on creating virtual versions of these events. Some of the events will be presented in a different format, like the balloon glow and candlestick as a drive-thru event.


Hot Air Balloon

The complete schedule of events can be found here on their website.  The weather can and many times does affect the schedule for balloons so make sure to check their website for updates.

The Hot Air Affair usually attracts about 30 to 35 balloons; however, we expect about half that many will be able to participate with private pop-up launches around Hudson, weather permitting. While there won’t be any public launch field access, there will be balloons in the air.

Minnesota Landscape Arboretum 2021: Are you ready for it?

Minnesota Landscape Arboretum 2021: Are you ready for it?

Cover image by Jason Boudreau-Landis

This gorgeous calendar goes to those purchasing new, upgraded, or gift of membership.
The images featured highlight stunning areas of the Arboretum!
New, upgraded and gift of memberships get a gorgeous 2021 Arb calendar. Plus you are entered to win a $50 gift card to the
Gift & Garden store, plus a BOGO membership drawing through Jan. 31. What a great deal!
Memberships: Support/Membership


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